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Friday, 27 March 2009

My Liverpool Strip's

I got my Liverpool strip's on Wednesday.When papa said there was something on the table for me and it was the strip's I was so happy.The colour of the strip's are red and grey.Also in the back it says Awish and 9.He told me that mummy got me it and when I was talking to her this morning I told her thank you very much.One of the sponser says Carlsberg and the other Liverpool but I can were them both.It's so very cool and I like it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I get more too.I can't beleive she got me it.It was so suprising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I get more the other colours I want now is maybe dark green,white and black.I hope I get them soon.

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